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Why Musicians Need a Website



Every musician uses social media to help promote themselves and the music they create. From Facebook to Twitter or Instagram we all feel the need to utilize social media to keep our supporters aware of our presence but is it enough?

Although social media provides a way to engage with your audience it doesn't give you total freedom. Each platform is unique in the way it allows you to interact with your followers but you are also limited by their restrictions and guidelines. For this reason alone all musicians should consider using a website.

Why you should have a website for your band-

Your website is your personal real estate on the internet and can be used to connect everything you have to offer in one location. As long as you renew your domain name it's yours so fans will always be able to find you.

Owning your own website ultimately gives you total control of what your fans see. This is a key factor some people neglect due to the rise of social media. The main thing to keep in mind is all social media platforms have guidelines that you must adhere to or your account can be suspended. With your own site you determine what stays up or what's taken down.

In most cases people discover your music before they can identify you by a name. If they enjoy what they've discovered they will search to see what else is available or to find out a little more about you. Your website gives them access to everything from your music, biography, merchandise, show dates, and social media. The best thing about having access to all of your social media sites is that they can choose which one to follow based on the one(s) they use.

If your desire is to reach the next level a website takes you from looking like a hobbyist to looking like a professional. In most cases, professionals will search for you in hopes of finding your website. If they do, rest assured they will spend a little time on your page checking it out. This applies to all sorts of people that you will eventually need to build relationships with, such as promoters, festival organizers, etc.

Your website also gives you the opportunity to collect emails. If you can create your own email list you can connect directly with your fans and give them access to the latest updates. Not to mention email marketing is still the most effective way to promote your product, brand, etc.

Whether you are just starting out or if your selling out arenas it's a good idea to have a website. Your fans will always know where they can find you, your music, and your merchandise. Social media is great, but keep in mind, once the latest trend is over and a new social media site appears you have to reconnect to your fans all over again.

We'll save that for another post.

Do you think artists still need websites? Leave a comment.

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South East Wilson is a recording artist, producer, and songwriter who is always willing to work with other artists. Feel free to contact at Be sure to subscribe to for updates on music and beat leasing.

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